5 Of My Favorite Craft Supplies



Narrowing down my craft supplies to a top 5 favorite was really difficult!  I have lots of different products that I love, but I wanted to share my absolute favorites.  I learned what I really liked through a lot of trial and error, but what is crafting without those lessons? So here are 5 of my favorite craft supplies!

Number One:  Darice Wood Glue

12919253_10208556952377164_387049583_nThis is honestly the best glue I have ever used.  I use this to make all kinds of different crafts and its incredibly durable.  When you use this with paper you get a smooth and even looking result.  Before I discovered this glue I used Mod Podge.  It would work great as far as durability, but a lot of the time it would bubble, or get to wet and ruin the paper I was trying to glue.  I haven’t had problems like that using this product.  I highly recommend it!!


Number Two:  A good variety of cutting mats and templates.

12966419_10208556952577169_593995130_nAt first, this can seem like quite an investment.  I have different sized hexagon, square, rectangle, triangle, and circle templates.  But I didn’t go out and buy them all at once!! If you slowly collect them overtime, you can build a pretty good set without breaking the bank.  Also, Joann’s always has great coupons where you can score these for 50% or even 60% off!! Can’t beat that!

I don’t really have a particular favorite brand that I prefer when it comes to this kind of stuff.  Pictured is a Fiskars cutting mat and long rectangle template and a square Omnigrid template.  These are perfect for cutting fabric, and I have even used them to cut paper!  Most mats are also reversible so you will get a lot of life out of it.


Number Three:  FolkArt Home Decor wood tint and chalk paint.

12935189_10208556953417190_1864222857_nChalk paint is all the rage right now.  From Farmhouse style home decor, to just fixing up a piece of old thrift store furniture, it seems to find a home in every DIY persons craftroom.  There are tons of different brands out there and a lot of them are crazy expensive!! I found this at the craft store for around $7.  I thought I would give it a try and was really happy with the outcome!  Again, you can save EVEN MORE $$$ by using coupons at your favorite craft store.  In the end, I paid about $4 per jar.  Not to shabby, right?!

The Wood Tint is amazing.  It has great coverage, comes in a wide variety of colors from grey to dark browns, and has virtually no smell.  I use it indoors and have never gotten overwhelmed with any kind of smell!! That is not something that can be said for canned stains.

Number Four:  Joann Craft reusable tote bags.

12968684_10208556953337188_12664987_nYep.  Reusable tote bags.  $1.39-$1.99 at Joann Fabric and its quite possibly the best ‘near’ two bucks you will spend!  I LOVE storing my fabric, felt, or scraps in these little bags.  It frees up a lot of space in my craft room and they look adorable as well!!  Win win!  I also use these to hold supplies needed for different projects that I am currently working on.  I have a mini quilt project in the little bag pictured here and it makes it really easy to take out and about.  It also keeps all my fabric clean and organized while working on the project.  And just look how cute that watercolor design is! Swoon…


Number Five:  Olfa rotary cutter.

12935399_10208556952857176_129064553_nLast, but definitely not least, is the OLFA brand rotary cutter.  I believe these come in different sizes, but I have the 45mm.  You may recognize this widely popular blue and yellow cutter, and let me tell you, it really is the best out there.  I have used many rotary cutters and have often ended up really frustrated.  This cutter works flawlessly every time, gets nice clean cuts, and stays sharp for quite a long time.  This is another great coupon item to save a little dough and totally worth the investment.  Especially if you do lots of cuts to fabrics.


And that’s it!  Now, this obviously doesn’t include all my favorite products.  Just a great Top 5 list!  Anything you would add?  Have you tried any of these products?  Let me know what you thought of them!! Thanks for reading!! You are all amazing.


*This post contains affiliate links, however all opinions and reviews mentioned are my own.*

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